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How to get 50% off your video series!

For existing customers of “50 Ways to Pass the Living Environment Regents!”, “100 Ways to Pass the Chemistry Regents!” or “70 Ways to Pass the Physics Regents!” only.

Here’s how to get 50% off the video series of your choice:

Create a short video (up to 60 seconds in length) describing how one of the above video series helped you pass your Regents exam.

Make sure to include:

1) Yourself in the video, preferably holding and showing the study guide for one of the above courses.

2) State your name

3) The school you attend

4 The grade you got on the Regents exam that you took; if you failed before and then wound up passing, state how you went from the failing grade to the passing grade.

4) Any thoughts you had about the video series (confidence

5) Post and send me the video to Twitter (@AChemvideotutor), Instagram (@chemvideotutor), Snapchat (@chemvideotutor), Facebook and any other social media sites you are on and make sure to include